About the Strategic Thinking Magazine
The Strategic Thinking magazine is created by the Strategic Thinking Institute, which is a research and advisory think tank focusing on the studies and advisory of a range of topics related to global governance, major power relations, foreign and security policy, development, and international economic and trade issues.
The magazine tends to catch some of the most pressing issues happening in the political, economic, and security landscapes and maybe other fields as well from across the globe. It consists of four columns: Politics, Business, Opinion, and Brand Influence.
The readers of this publication could be policy-makers, diplomats, academics, and also those from the research institutes, think tanks, international organizations, transnational networks, corporations and groups, business entities, and media, as well as the general public who for various reasons would pay attention to the development of some critical issues that could draw regional and international concern.
Issue 1 of the Strategic Thinking Magazine
For full access to Issue 1, follow the link HERE.