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Who we are?

The Centre for Strategic Thinking (CST) is a research and advisory think tank, focusing on promoting knowledge learning and sharing, forging mutual understanding and cooperation, and contributing to problem-solving, through conducting research, analyses, exchanges, and advisory, on a range of topics related to global governance, China-U.S. relations, China’s relations with other major powers and entities from various dimensions, foreign and security policy, development, and international economic and trade issues etc.

What we can offer?

The think tank offers research, analyses, and advisory services in the above issue areas.

From a strategic perspective, we can help a wide range of important actors such as governments, transnational companies, and other types of national and transnational actors/entities more deeply understand the core issues happening at the national, regional, and international stages, as well as how likely these critical issues could possibly affect the development trends of regional and global political, economic, social, and security landscapes.

From a technical policy dimension, we can provide transnational corporations and other various international actors with specific and targeted research and advisory/consulting services, such as doing research and analyses on the government policies and regulations concerning a particular industry as well as the possible impacts of the policy changes on this particular industry.

Who we work with?

We work with both governmental and non-governmental organizations, research institutes, think tanks, public and private enterprises, and other types of agencies. We welcome both Chinese and foreign organizations, institutes, think tanks, and public and private sectors having similar objectives and interests as ours, to approach us for discussing cooperation in various forms.

Address:#1055, 1st Floor, Building 2, Courtyard 2, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R.C.
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