● Submission
The Strategic Thinking magazine welcomes the submission of long and short articles, with a focus on exploring and assessing the most pressing issues currently happening in the political, economic, business, and security fields from across the globe. The following is a brief guideline for submitting your work.
Word count: the number of words for long articles with deeper observation and analysis on a special issue usually ranges from 3000 to 5000; while for the short opinion articles, it is between 800 and 2000.
Writing style: the style of writing for the articles submitted should generally be mixed with investigation, description, assessment, analysis, and argument concerning a particular subject matter.
References: instead of footnotes or endnotes, please use hyperlinks to acknowledge the sources cited.
Photos/images: for better presenting your work, including quality photos or images into it is necessary.
Submission principles:
Please ensure that the article submitted is your original work and not being sent to any other platforms in the meantime, and also was not published previously elsewhere in any form.
Should your work be accepted for publication by the Strategic Thinking magazine, it cannot be submitted to any other channels or platforms for consideration of publication anymore.
Meanwhile, under certain circumstances, the Strategic Thinking magazine may consider republishing some quality articles, which more likely could generate a positive, wider, and extended impact on policies. Please ensure that you have received the permission before submitting your previously published work to the Strategic Thinking magazine for consideration of republication.
Plagiarism is forbidden by the Strategic Thinking magazine. The author(s) should take the full responsibility for any consequence caused if the work of the author(s) is found having plagiarism.
Please leave your full name, position, and institutional association at the end of the article submitted.
The accepted articles would be published under one of these three columns: Politics, Business, and Opinion. Please submit your work to with a subject line in your email of either Submission-Politics, Submission-Business, or Submission-Opinion.
● Subscription
For subscribing/downloading the published Issue (s) of the Strategic Thinking magazine, please follow this link HERE.
● Advertisement
The BRAND INFLUENCE column of the Strategic Thinking magazine is specifically allocated for the kinds of companies/institutes/organizations/entities, which would like to build and improve their brand influence and to make their products and/or services better reach the targeted audiences.
For those having a requirement for advertising their products and/or services through the Strategic Thinking magazine, please email to